Atomistry » Nickel » PDB 7odh-7utd
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Nickel in PDB, part 55 (files: 2161-2200), PDB 7odh-7utd

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Nickel (Ni) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Nickel atoms. PDB files: 2161-2200 (PDB 7odh-7utd).
  1. 7odh (Ni: 1) - Crystal Structure of the O2-Tolerant Mbh-P242C From Ralstonia Eutropha in Its As-Isolated State
    Other atoms: Cl (6); Fe (14); Mg (1);
  2. 7oi1 (Ni: 6) - Crystal Structure of Synechocystis Sp PCC6803 Guanidinium Hydrolase
    Other atoms: As (3); Cl (2);
  3. 7olk (Ni: 1) - Dioxygenase Asqj in Complex with 2B and Tris
    Other atoms: Cl (1); Br (1);
  4. 7oll (Ni: 1) - Dioxygenase Asqj Mutant (V72I) in Complex with 2B and Tris
    Other atoms: Br (2);
  5. 7olm (Ni: 1) - Dioxygenase Asqj Mutant (V72I) in Complex with 2B-O-O and Tris
    Other atoms: Cl (1); Br (1);
  6. 7olo (Ni: 1) - Dioxygenase Asqj Mutant (V72I) in Complex with 2B and Glycerol
    Other atoms: Br (1); Cl (1);
  7. 7olp (Ni: 1) - Dioxygenase Asqj Mutant (V72I) in Complex with 2 and Alpha- Ketoglutarate
  8. 7olq (Ni: 1) - Dioxygenase Asqj Mutant (V72I) in Complex with 2 and Tris
    Other atoms: Br (2);
  9. 7olr (Ni: 1) - Dioxygenase Asqj in Complex with 2 and Alpha-Ketoglutarate
  10. 7olt (Ni: 1) - Dioxygenase Asqj in Complex with 2 and Tris
    Other atoms: Cl (1); Br (2); K (1);
  11. 7oxh (Ni: 2) - Ttslyd with Pseudo-Wild-Type S2 Peptide
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  12. 7oxj (Ni: 1) - Ttslyd with M8A Pseudo-Wild-Type S2 Peptide
    Other atoms: Cl (1); Mg (1);
  13. 7pac (Ni: 1) - The Crystal Structure of PDE6D in the Apo State
  14. 7pad (Ni: 1) - The Crystal Structure of Dw-0254 in Complex with PDE6D
  15. 7plp (Ni: 1) - Human Teneurin-4 C-Rich Domain
    Other atoms: Ca (6); Fe (1);
  16. 7q34 (Ni: 4) - Crystal Structure of the Multidrug Binding Transcriptional Regulator Lmrr in Complex Squaraine Dye
  17. 7q6d (Ni: 3) - E. Coli Ftsa 1-405 Atp 3 Ni
    Other atoms: Mg (1);
  18. 7qc9 (Ni: 1) - Hisf-C9A-D11E-V33A_L50H_I52H Mutant in Complex with Ni(II) From T. Maritima
  19. 7qsj (Ni: 2) - Methylmannose Polysaccharide Hydrolase Mmph From M. Hassiacum
    Other atoms: Mg (1);
  20. 7qst (Ni: 3) - Crystal Structure of Homing Endonuclease-Associated Phovma Intein (C1A)
    Other atoms: Cd (2);
  21. 7quo (Ni: 4) - Fimh Lectin Domain in Complex with Oligomannose-6
  22. 7quv (Ni: 1) - Crystal Structure of Human Calprotectin (S100A8/S100A9) in Complex with Peptide 3
    Other atoms: Na (1); K (1); Ca (3);
  23. 7r3s (Ni: 1) - Ftra/P19 of Rubrivivax Gelatinosus in Complex with Ni
    Other atoms: Na (2);
  24. 7rei (Ni: 1) - The Crystal Structure of Nickel Bound Human Ado C18S C239S Variant
  25. 7rwu (Ni: 3) - Crystal Structure of Ni-Bound RIDC1 Variant in the Presence of Reductant
    Other atoms: Fe (1); Cl (1);
  26. 7sog (Ni: 4) - Thermostable Actophorin
  27. 7stc (Ni: 1) - AQP5 T41H with NI2+
  28. 7suc (Ni: 2) - Xfel Serial Crystallography Reveals the Room Temperature Structure of Methyl-Coenzyme M Reductase
    Other atoms: Mg (7);
  29. 7sxm (Ni: 2) - Structure of Xenon-Derivatized Methyl-Coenzyme M Reductase From Methanothermobacter Marburgensis
    Other atoms: Mg (2); Na (1); Xe (8);
  30. 7t2r (Ni: 2) - Structure of Electron Bifurcating Ni-Fe Hydrogenase Complex Hydabcsl in Fmn-Free Apo State
    Other atoms: Fe (62);
  31. 7t30 (Ni: 2) - Structure of Electron Bifurcating Ni-Fe Hydrogenase Complex Hydabcsl in Fmn/Nad(H) Bound State
    Other atoms: Fe (58);
  32. 7tsj (Ni: 1) - Xenon-Bound Structure of Carbon Monoxide Dehydrogenase (Codh) From Desulfovibrio Vulgaris
    Other atoms: Fe (9); Xe (12);
  33. 7u0v (Ni: 1) - Structure of Myxoma Virus M062 Protein Variant Lau
  34. 7u1v (Ni: 3) - Structure of SPAC806.04C Protein From Fission Yeast Covalently Bound to BEF3
    Other atoms: K (1); F (6);
  35. 7u6h (Ni: 4) - Hald with Ornithine and Alpha-Ketoglutarate
    Other atoms: Cl (4);
  36. 7uk8 (Ni: 1) - Apo Form of Ygic From Escherichia Coli K-12
    Other atoms: Mg (1);
  37. 7uka (Ni: 1) - Ygic From Escherichia Coli K-12 in Complex with Adp
  38. 7ula (Ni: 6) - Structure of the Pseudomonas Putida Algkx Modification and Secretion Complex
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  39. 7uor (Ni: 2) - Crystal Structure of Cytochrome P450 Enzyme CYP119 in Complex with Methyliridium(III) Mesoporphyrin.
    Other atoms: Ir (6);
  40. 7utd (Ni: 8) - The 2.19-Angstrom Cryoem Structure of the [Nife]-Hydrogenase Huc From Mycobacterium Smegmatis - Complex Minus Stalk
    Other atoms: Mg (8); Fe (80);
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 18:05:25 2025

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