Atomistry » Nickel » PDB 4jzr-4ls3
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Nickel in PDB, part 21 (files: 801-840), PDB 4jzr-4ls3

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Nickel (Ni) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Nickel atoms. PDB files: 801-840 (PDB 4jzr-4ls3).
  1. 4jzr (Ni: 1) - Structure of Prolyl Hydroxylase Domain-Containing Protein (Phd) with Inhibitors
  2. 4k0o (Ni: 2) - F17B-G Lectin Domain with Bound Glcnac(BETA1-3)Gal
  3. 4k70 (Ni: 1) - Crystal Structure of N-Terminal Half of Pseudorabiesvirus UL37 Protein
    Other atoms: Ca (6); Cl (5); Na (21);
  4. 4k8o (Ni: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Atpase Domain of TAP1 with Atp (D645N, D651A Mutant)
    Other atoms: Mg (1);
  5. 4kga (Ni: 4) - Crystal Structure of Kallikrein-Related Peptidase 4
  6. 4kk7 (Ni: 4) - Structure of ECCB1 From the Type VII (Esx-1) Secretion System of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis.
  7. 4kl8 (Ni: 6) - High-Resolution Structure of Anaerobically Purified Dm. Baculatum [Nifese]-Hydrogenase After Crystallization Under Air
    Other atoms: Fe (28); Ca (8); Cl (1);
  8. 4kn9 (Ni: 6) - High-Resolution Structure of H2-Activated Anaerobically Purified Dm. Baculatum [Nifese]-Hydrogenase After Crystallization Under Air
    Other atoms: Fe (26); Ca (7); Cl (1);
  9. 4kng (Ni: 1) - Crystal Structure of Human LGR5-RSPO1-RNF43
  10. 4ko1 (Ni: 6) - High X-Ray Dose Structure of H2-Activated Anaerobically Purified Dm. Baculatum [Nifese]-Hydrogenase After Crystallization Under Air
    Other atoms: Fe (26); Ca (7);
  11. 4ko2 (Ni: 6) - Low X-Ray Dose Structure of H2-Activated Anaerobically Purified Dm. Baculatum [Nifese]-Hydrogenase After Crystallization Under Air
    Other atoms: Fe (28); Ca (8);
  12. 4ko3 (Ni: 6) - Low X-Ray Dose Structure of Anaerobically Purified Dm. Baculatum [Nifese]-Hydrogenase After Crystallization Under Air
    Other atoms: Fe (28); Ca (8); Cl (1);
  13. 4ko4 (Ni: 6) - High X-Ray Dose Structure of Anaerobically Purified Dm. Baculatum [Nifese]-Hydrogenase After Crystallization Under Air
    Other atoms: Fe (28); Ca (8); Cl (1);
  14. 4koo (Ni: 1) - Crystal Structure of WHY1 From Arabidopsis Thaliana
  15. 4kq4 (Ni: 1) - Crystal Structure of Anti-Il-17A Antibody CNTO7357
  16. 4kqa (Ni: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Golgi Casein Kinase
  17. 4kqb (Ni: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Golgi Casein Kinase with Mn/Adp Bound
    Other atoms: Mn (4);
  18. 4ksf (Ni: 1) - Crystal Structure of Malonyl-Coa Decarboxylase From Agrobacterium Vitis, Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target RIR35
    Other atoms: Cl (2);
  19. 4kw8 (Ni: 1) - Crystal Structure of Green Fluorescent Protein
  20. 4kxi (Ni: 2) - Crystallographic Study of the Complex of Ni(II) Schiff Base Complex and Hew Lysozyme
    Other atoms: Cl (6);
  21. 4l3f (Ni: 2) - Crystal Structure of Internalin K (Inlk) From Listeria Monocytogenes
    Other atoms: Na (2);
  22. 4l3k (Ni: 1) - Crystal Structure of Sporosarcina Pasteurii Uree Bound to NI2+ and ZN2+
    Other atoms: Zn (1);
  23. 4l8p (Ni: 1) - Crystal Structure of A Bile-Acid 7-Alpha Dehydratase (CLOHIR_00079) From Clostridium Hiranonis Dsm 13275 at 1.60 A Resolution
    Other atoms: Na (1);
  24. 4laq (Ni: 1) - Crystal Structures of A Therapeutic Single Chain Antibody in the Free Form and in Complex with Amphetamine and 4-Hydroxymethamphetamine
  25. 4lc7 (Ni: 1) - Aminooxazoline Inhibitor of Bace-1
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  26. 4lk2 (Ni: 1) - Crystal Structure of Rna Splicing Effector PRP5
  27. 4lkq (Ni: 4) - Crystal Structure of PDE10A2 with Fragment ZT017
  28. 4llj (Ni: 4) - Crystal Structure of PDE10A2 with Fragment ZT214
  29. 4llk (Ni: 4) - Crystal Structure of PDE10A2 with Fragment ZT217
  30. 4llp (Ni: 4) - Crystal Structure of PDE10A2 with Fragment ZT401
  31. 4llx (Ni: 4) - Crystal Structure of PDE10A2 with Fragment ZT434
  32. 4lm0 (Ni: 4) - Crystal Structure of PDE10A2 with Fragment ZT448
  33. 4lm1 (Ni: 4) - Crystal Structure of PDE10A2 with Fragment ZT450
  34. 4lm2 (Ni: 4) - Crystal Structure of PDE10A2 with Fragment ZT462
  35. 4lm3 (Ni: 4) - Crystal Structure of PDE10A2 with Fragment ZT464
  36. 4lm4 (Ni: 4) - Crystal Structure of PDE10A2 with Fragment ZT902
  37. 4low (Ni: 2) - Structure and Identification of A Pterin Dehydratase-Like Protein As A Rubisco Assembly Factor in the Alpha-Carboxysome
  38. 4lps (Ni: 1) - Crystal Structure of Hypb From Helicobacter Pylori in Complex with Nickel
    Other atoms: Mg (2);
  39. 4lrl (Ni: 4) - Structure of An Enterococcus Faecalis Hd-Domain Protein Complexed with Dgtp and Dttp
  40. 4ls3 (Ni: 2) - The Crystal Structure of Helicobacter Pylori Ceue(HP1561)/Ni-His Compl
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 11:45:09 2025

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