Nickel in PDB, part 3 (files: 81-120),
PDB 1jhj-1q0d
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Nickel (Ni) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Nickel atoms. PDB files: 81-120 (PDB 1jhj-1q0d).
1jhj (Ni: 1) - Crystal Structure of the APC10/DOC1 Subunit of the Human Anaphase-Promoting Complex
1jmx (Ni: 1) - Crystal Structure of A Quinohemoprotein Amine Dehydrogenase From Pseudomonas Putida
Other atoms:
Fe (2);
1jmz (Ni: 1) - Crystal Structure of A Quinohemoprotein Amine Dehydrogenase From Pseudomonas Putida with Inhibitor
Other atoms:
Fe (2);
1jnx (Ni: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Brct Repeat Region From the Breast Cancer Associated Protein, BRCA1
1jqk (Ni: 6) - Crystal Structure of Carbon Monoxide Dehydrogenase From Rhodospirillum Rubrum
Other atoms:
Fe (60);
1jvl (Ni: 2) - Azurin Dimer, Covalently Crosslinked Through Bis- Maleimidomethylether
Other atoms:
Cu (2);
1jvn (Ni: 2) - Crystal Structure of Imidazole Glycerol Phosphate Synthase: A Tunnel Through A (Beta/Alpha)8 Barrel Joins Two Active Sites
1k26 (Ni: 2) - Structure of A Nudix Protein From Pyrobaculum Aerophilum Solved By the Single Wavelength Anomolous Scattering Method
Other atoms:
Ir (4);
1k2e (Ni: 2) - Crystal Structure of A Nudix Protein From Pyrobaculum Aerophilum
1k8t (Ni: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Adenylyl Cyclase Domain of Anthrax Edema Factor (Ef)
1keg (Ni: 1) - Antibody 64M-2 Fab Complexed with Dtt(6-4)Tt
1kfg (Ni: 1) - The X-Ray Crystal Structure of CEL9G From Clostridium Cellulolyticum Complexed with A Thio-Oligosaccharide Inhibitor
Other atoms:
Mg (5);
Ca (4);
1kic (Ni: 1) - Inosine-Adenosine-Guanosine Preferring Nucleoside Hydrolase From Trypanosoma Vivax: ASP10ALA Mutant in Complex with Inosine
Other atoms:
Ca (2);
1kie (Ni: 1) - Inosine-Adenosine-Guanosine Preferring Nucleoside Hydrolase From Trypanosoma Vivax: ASP10ALA Mutant in Complex with 3- Deaza-Adenosine
Other atoms:
Ca (2);
1kjt (Ni: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Gaba(A) Receptor Associated Protein, Gabarap
Other atoms:
Na (1);
1krb (Ni: 2) - Crystal Structure of Klebsiella Aerogenes Urease, Its Apoenzyme and Two Active Site Mutants
1krc (Ni: 2) - Crystal Structure of Klebsiella Aerogenes Urease, Its Apoenzyme and Two Active Site Mutants
1lqy (Ni: 2) - Crystal Structure of Bacillus Stearothermophilus Peptide Deformylase Complexed with Antibiotic Actinonin
1mjg (Ni: 8) - Crystal Structure of Bifunctional Carbon Monoxide Dehydrogenase/Acetyl-Coa Synthase(Codh/Acs) From Moorella Thermoacetica (F. Clostridium Thermoaceticum)
Other atoms:
Fe (56);
Cu (4);
1mn0 (Ni: 1) - Crystal Structure of Galactose Mutarotase From Lactococcus Lactis Complexed with D-Xylose
1mro (Ni: 2) - Methyl-Coenzyme M Reductase
Other atoms:
Zn (1);
Na (2);
1mvh (Ni: 1) - Structure of the Set Domain Histone Lysine Methyltransferase CLR4
Other atoms:
Zn (3);
1mvx (Ni: 1) - Structure of the Set Domain Histone Lysine Methyltransferase CLR4
Other atoms:
Zn (3);
1nih (Ni: 2) - Structure of Deoxy-Quaternary Haemoglobin with Liganded Beta Subunits
Other atoms:
Fe (2);
1nm2 (Ni: 1) - "Malonyl-Coa:Acp Transacylase"
1ns2 (Ni: 1) - Crystal Structure of Galactose Mutarotase From Lactococcus Lactis Mutant E304A Complexed with Galactose
1nzc (Ni: 2) - The High Resolution Structures of Rmlc From Streptococcus Suis in Complex with Dtdp-D-Xylose
1nzr (Ni: 4) - Crystal Structure of the Azurin Mutant Nickel-TRP48MET From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa at 2.2 Angstroms Resolution
1oao (Ni: 6) - Nizn[FE4S4] and Nini[FE4S4] Clusters in Closed and Open Alpha Subunits of Acetyl-Coa Synthase/Carbon Monoxide Dehydrogenase
Other atoms:
Fe (30);
Zn (1);
1oej (Ni: 1) - Yoda From Escherichia Coli Crystallised with No Added Ions
1oid (Ni: 1) - 5'-Nucleotidase (E. Coli) with An Engineered Disulfide Bridge (S228C, P513C)
1oie (Ni: 1) - 5'-Nucleotidase (E. Coli) with An Engineered Disulfide Bridge (S228C, P513C)
1opm (Ni: 1) - Oxidized (CU2+) Peptidylglycine Alpha-Hydroxylating Monooxygenase (Phm) with Bound Substrate
Other atoms:
I (4);
Cu (2);
1ox4 (Ni: 2) - Towards Understanding the Mechanism of the Complex Cyclization Reaction Catalyzed By Imidazole Glycerophosphate Synthase
1ox5 (Ni: 1) - Towards Understanding the Mechanism of the Complex Cyclization Reaction Catalyzed By Imidazole Glycerophosphate Synthase
1ox6 (Ni: 2) - Towards Understanding the Mechanism of the Complex Cyclization Reaction Catalyzed By Imidazole Glycerophosphate Synthase
1p1m (Ni: 1) - Structure of Thermotoga Maritima Amidohydrolase TM0936 Bound to Ni and Methionine
1p25 (Ni: 5) - Crystal Structure of Nickel(II)-D(Ggcgcc)2
1plf (Ni: 1) - The Three-Dimensional Structure of Bovine Platelet Factor 4 at 3.0 Angstroms Resolution
1q0d (Ni: 12) - Crystal Structure of Ni-Containing Superoxide Dismutase with Ni-Ligation Corresponding to the Oxidized State
Page generated: Sat Feb 15 18:03:25 2025